It is hard work to keep so many balls in the air!

Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, and Parent Guidance helps you to juggle life's challenges and climb to the top like a professional using my APEXX model.

A……..Each treatment begins with an ASSESSMENT.  This process clarifies the current challenges you face, the barriers to previous success and the objectives.  Knowing about a person and how she lives in all aspects of her daily life and relationships helps to understand the issues and dynamics that are in play in an individual or family's life.  The assessment also identifies strengths and supports that will ultimately enhance growth and success.  


P……..An individualized treatement PLAN is developed to address needs of the client as determined in the Assessment.  Careful attention is paid to the client's previous experiences, good and bad, specialized attention that pertains to the client's unique situation (school, work or home environment, relationships, performance area, sport) as well as the desired outcomes of the treatment.  

E……..EDUCATION and development of Skills including Affective Acuity.  

X……..EXPERIENCE.  Use your world and the consultation room in tandem.  Practice, Practice, Practice.

X……..EXAMINATION.  Take this opportunity to examine the process and outcomes.  Evaluate.  


Oh, the places you’ll go! There’s fun to be done! there are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.
— Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Suess

For Children

Treatment of children may be a combination of play and talk therapy.  Play is the work of children.  It is how children communicate.  In playing with a child in treatment I am able to allow a child the space to learn about himself/herself and work on strategies to manage difficult feelings.  If a child is young, the treatment of choice may be a parent guidance model wherein the parent/s will meet with me.  As the parents come to understand the child better in the consultation room, change begins to happen at home and in daycare/school.  Most importantly, each treatment is uniquely designed to suit the needs of the child and is delivered in a manner that makes sense to the child and the caregivers.  It is always multimodal (meaning it includes cognitive and behavioral as well as psychodynamic components).  For child treatment, great attention is paid to development and function in all areas of the child's life, recognizing that a child may be doing well in one place and struggling in another.  Child treatments can have a profoundly positive impact on later development.  Consider early consultation.  Many children have worries, never worry about your child alone.

For Adolescents and Adults

Most often adolescents and adults come to treatment because something is not going well in their lives.  So often a patient will say, "I'm not getting anywhere."  That feeling of stuckness, or feeling lost, or aimless are all problems I have experience in helping my patients address in treatment.  Others are not performing at the top of their game or have experienced injury, illness or other setbacks.  Depression, anxiety or crisis also brings patients into treatment.  You may choose to use your time to find out more about why you experience things as overwhelming.  Each person is different, experiences the world in a unique way, and uses a treatment differently.   There is no one way to do therapy; no one way to communicate.  Each patient and therapist finds their own style and vocabularly that helps to open new space.  I will listen to you and help you to create and do whatever work you must do to feel differently.  


The goal is for you to feel more empowered, gain mental and emotional clarity, and improve your life experience.  I am here to help you and your family achieve your optimal performance.

The style and form of the work is determined by need on a case by case basis.  Some people come looking for a consultation, others for a treatment that utilizes building on past challenges to move forward toward building live a more successful life.  Some people come needing to learn new skills, both cognitive and emotional to improve the quality of their work and their play.  On other occassions parents need help creating a more harmonious home environment.  With my humor and compassion I enjoy working as a member of your personal team to accomplish your goals.